I Missed the Bridegroom's Call

by Christopher J Patton


The time has not come," say the people,
"The LORD delays his coming." And
They looked for much but found little or nothing.

A burning olive tree? Branches wild and true, fruitful and bonded one,
thus renewed and a aflame.
The olive tree twins drip oil, branch to branch;
The menorah glows.
The flames flicker, and winds of God blow them hot -
Hot to set fire to the world, for the water is past and the flame lies
ahead. WOE!

"Not by power, nor by might, but by My breathing winds," says the Eternal Lord of Hosts, Elohai Tsva'ot, Adonai Eychad...
There is no other who baptizes in fire, that judges righteousness.
Shall fiery doom indeed descend on us?

It's but a story, some allegory invented to make one comply.

Water? What water? The earth stands as always, her skirts drawn wide to pull us inside her, GAIA, Isisi, Ishtar, Astarte, Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

"Within are ye gods. Thou shall not die!"
New ages of always, uniformly deceiving, rather than believing
The flaw that is real, the death that is sure, and one cure that's pure.

He who hath the Son hath the Father who is
The Healing Light that is the life of men, once, now and forever.

Tarry not, my love.
There's no time to wonder; there's no time to wander
From His ways so demanding,
Transformation commanding.
"Just as you are," do come. But change you must,
Or the bones that break shall corrode you as rust.

Be ready, my Bride, I come to your side in stillness and wonder be holy.
Broken your bonds; now they're asunder. Cleave to me ever.
We'll be together, so happily joyous together.
Joyous in love for each other.

Do you love me? Have you my faith? Or is the world your lover?
Has it blinded your desire for me? Does the present crowd eternity?

The clouds are eerie in glow tonight. Some quietness ascends on high.
The final days are coming nigh. It must be soon.

When the Bride descends in her gold glory as Jerusalem coming anew
Foursquare like a pyramid to view, of gemmed crystal.
Entered through twelve gates, guarded by fishermen enthroned from old,
Those wandering poor, the faithless and weak made so bold
As fishers of men, shepherds of sheep, herders of good news.
News of the Lamb, not of ewes or of rams.
That terrible Lamb who makes lions seem tame:
Holy, Holy, Holy's His name! The world's now aflame
In judgment's baptism, that prophesied day,
When there'll be nothing to say. Anymore. Said it today,
If at all. Done as said, now and always
If not a stalled deed, misplaced or forgotten...
Lord, Lord, didn't we? Then? When? 'You know us, not?'
"Depart, for I do know you not! Buy your oil;
Refine your gold. Find your whites:
You've entered the terror endless nights
of trial."

Repent. What's that? Softly......ears strain
rrrrrummmble, ehehehih clashsh, clannk, rorgroan sqeak clank rrrr....
Thunder train, earthquake plane?
The floor deep vibrates, then shakes. I awake............too late.
Thunderclash, rrroar clank rumbling down the road, a tank.....no,
columns upon columns of guns towed trucksntank, and another tank
after tank after thudda thudda thudda thudda tank
Now lights, this night, probing, whirling dervishes of the air, probing
windows, doors, floors, and roof top plazas, water tank shadows.

Father? Please!

"Run! Leave! Up and flee!"

It comes upon us here and now, the Prince - a Beast, so wondrous, wow -
in consuming death.
Everywhere .............................Woe...Woe...Woe

"I'll be with you through to gold, but it's a torturous race you've sowed, such a risky chance so chosen: my Son's final work of grace,


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