My Mission Now

Christopher J. Patton


My eyes see what is material and unreal –
Time swirling chaos without ken.
Yet, my heart is at peace
Knowing not when,
Or how, why and wherefore
God will direct me, to act.
But that is the fact
Of faith that I live by

I wish.
I hope.
I trust
In grace
Because I am not worthy,
Thus, why faith is grace:
Because, will submits to Sovereign.
Blessed be the Creator,
And the Mediator,
My Savior –
Salvation, who is
Yeshua, the
I Am so, too, in Him yes the
Mystery not me,
But He who is and was will be
Eternity in Love…
So risk it all. It matters not. Be free.

Forgive me in Jesus’ Name.
Cleanse me in His Blood:
The Spirit Covenant given
To those guaranteed forgiven,
Who in faith believe
They are forgiven being
Included, talked to, molded,
Conformed though flawed, enfolded in His Word -
Perfect, as He was in flesh,
Risen together in minded death
Not yet,
But yes,


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